Program #404.010
Mock Trial
Melissa Walter 631/595-6841
Each participating district will receive a full trial with instructions on preparing elementary and middle school students. The trial is an adaptation of trials prepared by the NYS Bar Association for the annual high school competition. Each district will prepare both a plaintiff and defense side of the case. A team consists of six plaintiffs and six defense participants with an option for three alternates (maximum team size is 15). Districts may register several teams. Two training sessions are scheduled for teachers. The program culminates in a one-day Mock Trial tournament in the spring.
Program #404.011
Forensics CSI Challenge
Renee Allen 631/595-6813
This hands-on “mock murder” competition provides high school students with the unique opportunity to conduct a full-scale investigation of a fictional crime. Student teams receive a fictional murder-mystery scenario riddled with subtle clues and then a simulated crime scene containing real physical evidence (i.e., fingerprints, hair and fibers, documents).
Program #404.012
Law Related Education Special Services and Conferences
Renee Allen 631/595-6813
Educational programs are provided regarding the place of law in society and the interrelationship of government, courts and police. This service includes customized in-school and field trip programs provided by staff and consultants.