Walk Team Raises 50% More for Autism Research!

Walk Team Raises 50% More for Autism Research!
Receiving the Gold Supporters plaque for their efforts fundraising for autism research are (back, l. to r.) Kevin Kennedy, Andrew Blee, Steve and Annette Concannon; and (front row, l. to r.) Meghan Scherer, Lori Manno, Christine Walsh, Gabriella Rodriguez, Sarah Springer, Christina Camilleri and Bonnie Wojcik.

Receiving the Gold Supporters plaque for their efforts fundraising for autism research are (back, l. to r.) Kevin Kennedy, Andrew Blee, Steve and Annette Concannon; and (front row, l. to r.) Meghan Scherer, Lori Manno, Christine Walsh, Gabriella Rodriguez, Sarah Springer, Christina Camilleri and Bonnie Wojcik.[/caption]The Western Suffolk BOCES Walk-Team went all out this spring by raising 50% more money for autism research than the group raised last year! Autism Speaks recognized the BOCES team of staff, students, and families on March 24 for raising more than $9,200 and presented the group with an honorary plaque as “Gold Supporters”. Kudos to all!