Program #506.041
School Health Services Network
Susan Kessler, Program Administrator
(631) 595-6814
Donna Hasan, RN, SNT, NCSN Health Services Specialist
(631) 595-6808
The School Health Services Network will link to regional and state resources including the NYS Education Department’s Statewide School Health Services Center (SSHSC). Membership includes:
- A reduced rate for all district and substitute school nurses to attend School Nursing Professional & Practice Issues workshops several times each year with guest speakers, case studies, panel discussions and networking opportunities
- A reduced rate for all district school nurses to attend the annual School Nursing Election Day Professional Development workshop
- Ongoing mentoring for new and substitute district nurses
- One in-district (before, during or at the end of the school day) professional development for school nurses and/or school staff and administration
- Customized technical assistance and support with issues related to school health services including policy development
- Additional support as needed for school health services, implementing the regulations of the Commissioner of Education, district school health program review, school immunization attendance requirements, mandated screening procedures and protocols, and medication administration procedures.
Keep Current!
Keep current with updates from the Statewide School Health Services Center and sign up for their listserv.
Important Resources