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Preparing Students for the New Biology Regents Exam: Transitioning Regents Biology Courses to the Three-Dimensions of the New York State Science Learning Standards Grades 6-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Glen Cochrane – 8:30-2:30pm

January 31, 2024 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

The first administration of the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) based Biology Regents exam is scheduled for June 2025. Teachers must transition to a NYSSLS based regents biology course. The format of the new exam will be item clusters, groups of multiple items that provide a coherent path towards building the three dimensions (Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, and Science and Engineering Practices) anchored in a phenomenon. Following a phenomena-based storyline will provide students the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge in context. Teachers must align their biology curriculum with the NYSSLS expectations which will be assessed on the new regents exam. It is possible to transition to the pedagogy that supports the NYSSLS three-dimensional approach while continuing to teach science aligned to the Living Environment Core Curriculum. Having students make connections between the three dimensions of scientific knowledge can better prepare them for the Biology Regents exam while they develop a coherent and scientifically based view of the world. Start with the complex phenomena (for science) or problems (for engineering) and let students ask questions, explore, and use the SEPs and CCCs to construct their own understandings of the disciplinary core ideas (content). This is a paradigm shift to students constructing their own understandings with much less memorization of science facts. Students learn by doing science and engineering practices, engaging in discourse, and building understandings of biology’s main ideas. **B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) – Participants should bring a fully charged laptop, iPad, or tablet to download resources and access websites throughout the workshop. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION, PLEASE VIEW FLYER:
Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mqH5O_DIweBQZLsHnpbvl9hibdegGTae/view?usp=sharing Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays


January 31, 2024
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Event Category: