Meet the Staff

Chief Operating OfficerDistrict SuperintendentStaff

Michael Flynn

(631) 549-4900, ext 222

The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for planning, administering, supervising and evaluating the education programs and support services of the BOCES. The Central Administrative Council, consisting of the Chief Financial Officer, the Executive Director of Personnel and Instructional Support Services, the Executive Director of Special Education, the Executive Director of Career and Technical Education, and the Public Relations Director, report directly to Mr. Flynn.

To ensure that BOCES programs and services meet the needs of local school districts, Mr. Flynn meets monthly with the Superintendents of Schools from the 18 component school districts. He also serves as the liaison with the numerous local, county and state agencies which interact with Western Suffolk BOCES on a regular basis.

The Board of Western Suffolk BOCES appointed Mr. Flynn to this position. As the Chief Operating Officer, he prepares the agendas and organizes the meetings of the Board of Education of Western Suffolk BOCES.

April E. Poprilo

(631) 595-6815

April E. Poprilo is the District Superintendent of Western Suffolk BOCES.  The District Superintendent acts as a regional representative for the New York State Commissioner of Education and assists component school districts with the interpretation and implementation of New York State education laws, regulations and policies.

Mrs. Poprilo was appointed District Superintendent by the Western Suffolk BOCES Board of Education and the Commissioner of Education, effective May 15, 2023.


  • Warren Taylor, Chief Financial Officer
  • Nancy Kelsey, Executive Director, Career & Technical Education
  • Nancy Wilson, Executive Director, Special Education
  • Dr. Hugh M. Gigante, Executive Director, Personnel
  • Lorraine Hein, Director of Business
  • Russell Dickson, Director of Technology Support
  • Nancy Fischetti, Public Relations Director

Staffing for 2024-2025

Administrators and Supervisors (FTE)49
Teaching Staff (FTE)362
Teaching Assistants (FTE)7
Clerical (FTE)100
Aides (FTE)527
Physical/ Occupational Therapists & Nurses (FTE)46
Adult Instructors (part-time)91
Food Services Staff (part-time)22
Technical Staff (FTE)7
Custodial/ Maintenance (FTE)61