Health and Safety Updates

On this page, Western Suffolk BOCES will update parents, students and staff regarding health, wellness and safety matters. 

Wellness & Safety Resources for Families

New York State Center for School Safety

Standard Response Protocol (reference document for families in English and Spanish)

National PTA Family Resources

National Safety Council (Parents page)

District-Wide School Safety Plan

Water Testing

New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS)

The New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) is responsible for programs and services involving foster care, adoption and adoption assistance, child protective services including operating the Statewide Central Register for Child Abuse and Maltreatment, preventive services for children and families, services for pregnant adolescents, and protective programs for vulnerable adults.

To report child abuse or mistreatment, call the State Central Registry at 800-342-3720.

For families in need of assistance, contact the HEARS Family Line (888-554-3277) to learn about resources and referrals to various services, including food, clothing, housing, medical and behavioral healthcare, parenting education and childcare.

For more information regarding preventive services in the community, contact 855-554-3277.