Financial Information

2024-2025 BudgetLocal Funding and State AidFinancial Reports

The Western Suffolk BOCES budget for 2024-25 was approved by the Boards of Education in the 18 component school districts of Western Suffolk BOCES.

For more information, see the links below.

Tentative 2024-25 Budget (English)

Tentative 2024-25 Budget (Espanol)

Budget News Winter 2024 (English)

Budget News Winter 2024 (Espanol)

Western Suffolk BOCES is financially supported by its 18 participating school districts as well as state and federal grants. Every April, the 18 participating Boards of Education vote on the BOCES Administrative Budget. The costs associated with the BOCES Administrative Budget and the Capital Budget are borne by the 18 participating school districts based on a three-year weighted average daily attendance rate.

School districts that request Western Suffolk BOCES services pay a prorated service fee or tuition as itemized in a shared-services contract. School districts receive state aid on many services based on the previous year’s audited expenses of BOCES programs and services. The wealth of each component district, its aid ratio and the cost of Western Suffolk BOCES services determine how much aid participating districts receive. Local districts receive their state aid for the BOCES programs and services they used in the year following the district’s expenditures.

Western Suffolk BOCES also receives federal and state grants to support some of its programs and services.

Office of the NYS Comptroller, 2024 Report

Clerical Overtime

This audit reviewed how Western Suffolk BOCES officials monitored and approved overtime for clerical employees during the audit period of July 1, 2021 – March 31, 2023.

Office of the NYS Comptroller, 2016 Report

Budget Transfers and Confirming Purchase Orders

Western Suffolk BOCES has established policies and procedures for transfers of budgeted funds and for the issuance of purchase orders. The report reviews and evaluates the extent to which these policies and controls have operated effectively.

Office of the NYS Comptroller, 2010 Report

Transparency and Appropriateness of Reserve Funds

Western Suffolk BOCES created reserves to avoid sharp increases in administrative and service costs which would then be passed on to local taxpayers. This audit examines the level of reserves for their stated purposes and the authorization for funding such reserves.

Office of the NYS Comptroller, 2009 Report

Audit of the Internal Controls over Information Technology and Gasoline Credit Cards. In addition to examining BOCES internal controls, the objective was also to determine whether those controls are appropriately designed to protect electronic data and whether those controls over gas credit cards are operating effectively.

Independent Auditors’ Reports

Financial Statements and Supplementary Information of Western Suffolk BOCES for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.

Financial Statements and Supplementary Information of Western Suffolk BOCES for the fiscal year ending June 30. 2023.

Financial Statements and Supplementary Information of Western Suffolk BOCES for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.

Financial Statements and Supplementary Information of Western Suffolk BOCES for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.