Information for Employees About COVID-19 Testing

THE INFORMATION WAS REVISED AND IS CURRENT AS OF APRIL 14, 2022. Information about testing dates changes regularly.

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) is requiring that all school staff who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 be tested for COVID-19 weekly. The regulation is as follows:

  • Issued pursuant to 10 NYCRR 2.62: Requires unvaccinated teachers and staff working in a P-12 school setting, as defined in the determination, to get tested once per week

Please be advised that mandatory weekly COVID-19 testing will begin Wednesday, October 27, 2021 for all Western Suffolk BOCES employees who have not voluntarily submitted proof of vaccination by that date. The first deadline for submitting proof of testing is Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2021 at 9 am.

Tests must be completed within each testing period (see below) and testing must continue on a weekly basis until further notice. Please be advised that employees may be tested for COVID-19 by a third party. Effective April 4, 2022, employees may also submit at-home self-tests. See below for more information. Testing must take place during the employee’s personal time.

As of April 11, 2022 the vendor is no longer offering the following: For the convenience of employees, Western Suffolk BOCES has arranged for an outside vendor to provide testing to Western Suffolk BOCES employees at our Wheatley Conference Center. This testing at this location is conducted on Mondays, from 2-5. Appointments are encouraged and information about the testing can be found here.  See “Where can I test?” below for the link for appointments.

Testing Calendar and Test Submission Deadlines:

Testing Week #1Oct. 27, 2021-- 12:01 amNov. 2, 2021--11:59 pmNov. 3, 2021 --9 am
Testing Week #2Nov. 3, 2021--12:01 amNov. 9, 2021--11:59 pmNov. 10, 2021--9 am
Testing Week #3Nov. 10, 2021--12:01 amNov. 16, 2021--11:59 pmNov. 17, 2021--9 am
Testing Week #4Nov. 17, 2021--12:01 amNov. 23, 2021--11:59 pmNov. 24, 2021--9 am
Testing Week #5Nov. 24, 2021--12:01 amNov. 30, 2021--11:59 pmDec. 1, 2021--9 am
Testing Week #6Dec. 1, 2021--12:01 amDec. 7, 2021-- 11:59 pmDec. 8, 2021--9 am
Testing Week #7Dec. 8, 2021--12:01 amDec. 14, 2021--11:59 pmDec. 15, 2021--9 am
Testing Week # 8Dec. 15, 2021--12:01 amDec. 21, 2021--11:59 pmDec. 22, 2021--9 am
Testing Week # 9Dec. 22, 2021Dec. 28, 2021NO TESTING REQUIRED
Testing Week # 10Dec. 29, 2021--12:01 amJan. 4, 2022--11:59 pmJan. 5, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 11Jan. 5, 2022--12:01 amJan. 11, 2022--11:59 pmJan. 12, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 12Jan. 12, 2022--12:01 amJan. 18, 2022--11:59 pmJan. 19, 2022-9 am
Testing Week # 13Jan. 19, 2022--12:01 amJan. 25, 2022--11:59 pmJan. 26, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 14Jan. 26, 2022--12:01 amFeb. 1, 2022--11:59 pmFeb. 2, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 15Feb. 2, 2022--12:01 amFeb. 8, 2022--11:59 pmFeb. 9, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 16Feb. 9, 2022--12:01 amFeb. 15, 2022--11:59 pmFeb. 16, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 17Feb. 16, 2022--12:01 amFeb. 22, 2022--11:59 pmNO TESTING REQUIRED
Testing Week # 18Feb. 23, 2022--12:01 amMar. 1, 2022--11:59 pmMar. 2, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 19Mar. 2, 2022--12:01 amMar. 8, 2022--11:59 pmMar. 9, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 20Mar. 9, 2022--12:01 amMar. 15, 2022--11:59 pmMar. 16, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 21Mar. 16, 2022--12:01 amMar. 22, 2022--11:59 pmMar. 23, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 22Mar. 23, 2022--12:01 amMar. 29, 2022 --11:59 pmMar. 30, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 23Mar. 30, 2022--12:01 amApril 5, 2022--11:59 pmApril 6, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 24April 6, 2022--12:01 amApril 12, 2022--11:59 pmApril 13, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 25 April 13, 2022--12:01 amApril 19, 2022--11:59 pm NO TESTING REQUIRED
Testing Week # 26 April 20, 2022--12:01 amApril 26, 2022--11:59 pmApril 27, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 27April 27, 2022--12:01 amMay 3, 2022--11:59 pmMay 4, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 28May 4, 2022--12:01 amMay 10, 2022--11:59 pmMay 11, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 29May 11, 2022--12:01 amMay 17, 2022--11:59 pmMay 18, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 30May 18, 2022--12:01 amMay 24, 2022--11:59 pmMay 25, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 31 May 25, 2022--12:01 amMay 31, 2022--11:59 pmJune 1, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 32June 1 , 2022--12:01 am June 7, 2022--11:59 pmJune 8, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 33June 8, 20222--12:01 am June 14, 2022--11:59 pmJune 15, 2022--9 am
Testing Week # 34June 15, 2022--12:01 am June 21, 2022--11:59 pmJune 22, 2022--9 am

Frequently Asked Questions

Who has to be tested weekly?

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) requires all school staff who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 be tested for COVID-19 weekly. The regulation is as follows:

Issued pursuant to 10 NYCRR 2.62: Requires unvaccinated teachers and staff working in a P-12 school setting, as defined in the determination, to get tested once per week

To be in compliance, any Western Suffolk BOCES employee who has not voluntarily submitted proof of vaccination to is required to provide proof of weekly COVID-19 testing.

The exception to the above is if an employee tested positive for COVID-19 within 90 calendar days of the first day of the testing period. To be considered for that exemption, employees must provide proof of positive COVID-19 test result that contains the date of diagnosis. This proof should be emailed to as soon as possible.

I am having trouble submitting information. Who can help me?

You will need to submit proof of testing via email to by the specified deadlines. Employees are encouraged to speak to their immediate supervisor or contact the IT Helpdesk at 631-595-6800.

Where can I test?

Employees may undergo testing at any location of their choosing. As of April 4, 2022, home tests with the proper documentation (see below) are eligible. As of April 11, 2022, the outside vendor is no longer offering testing at the Wheatley Conference Center.

The Suffolk County Department of Health is offering free testing to P-12 school employees. Call 311 for the latest information and locations.

Employees may also test at any of the testing providers in the region. A list of some of the Suffolk County locations that may be offering COVID-19 testing can be obtained here.

You will need to submit proof of testing via email to by the specified deadlines.

What kinds of tests being accepted?
The agency will accept proof of approved COVID-19 tests performed/monitored by a licensed professional.

Self-administered at-home tests are now permitted, but there is a required form. Email to obtain a copy. Test kits are available through Western Suffolk BOCES

Do I need to provide test results?

Employees should not provide test results unless they are reporting a positive result. As has been the case throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should remain at home until symptoms resolve. Consult with your healthcare provider for your care plan.

Will employees be compensated for time or mileage to go and get tested?

No. Any and all expenses related to State-mandated COVID-19 testing are the sole responsibility of the employee.

Will employees be reimbursed for any co-pays or test costs?

No. Any and all expenses related to State-mandated COVID-19 testing are the sole responsibility of the employee.

Are employees permitted to get tested during work hours?

No. Employees must test on their own personal time.