SCIENCE INVESTIGATION WORKSHOP – ELEMENTARY – Presented by BOCES 4 Science, a Collaboration of NYS BOCES **IN PERSON** – 8:30-3:30pm

Join our science instructional specialists as they help you navigate expectations, glean tips for set up and implementation, and practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. Learn how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. Ask questions and collaborate with colleagues! ELEMENTARY-LEVEL SCIENCE LAB INVESTIGATIONS (ELS) - TUES., […]

SCIENCE INVESTIGATION WORKSHOP – INTERMEDIATE – Presented by BOCES 4 Science, a Collaboration of NYS BOCES **IN PERSON* – 8:30-3:30pm

Join our science instructional specialists as they help you navigate expectations, glean tips for set up and implementation, and practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. Learn how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. Ask questions and collaborate with colleagues! INTERMEDIATE-LEVEL SCIENCE LAB INVESTIGATIONS (ILS) - WEDNESDAY, […]

Bullying or Buddies: Identifying and Addressing Classroom Conflicts **ONLINE** presented by The Harmony Strategies Group, a collaborative of conflict management experts – 8:30-2:30pm

This program helps teachers and administrators identify different types of conflicts as they appear in school. From outright bullying to more subtle conflicts between friends, participants will engage in practical ways of identifying and addressing the different types of conflicts, not only with the students, but also with parents and fellow faculty and administrators. The […]

How to Create Interactive Lessons Using Nearpod **IN PERSON** presented by Christine Pacinello, Ed.D. – 8:30-2:30pm

Nearpod allows teachers to make any lesson interactive, whether in person or virtual. Teachers will learn how to make presentations that contain quizzes, polls, games, videos and even written response. Nearpod lessons can be presented as whole class activities, or completed independently or by small groups of students. Nearpod allows teachers to gather feedback on […]

Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics K-12 **ON SITE** presented by Stacey Mooney – 8:30-2:30pm

*A thinking student is an engaged student* Upgrade and Revamp Your Math Instruction for High-Yield Results, Based on high-profile book by Peter Liljedahl Sparked by observing teachers struggle to implement rich mathematics tasks to engage students in deep thinking, Peter Liljedahl has translated his 15 years of research into this practical guide on how to […]

Read 180 User Group **IN PERSON** – 9-12pm

A meeting designed to support Long Island School Districts in their use of the Read 180.Registration:"

AI & Horizon Technologies in Education **ONLINE** presented by Dr. Mubina Khan Schroeder – 8:30-2:30pm

This workshop is designed to equip educators with the fundamental understanding and skills needed to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their teaching methodologies effectively. Participants will explore the evolving landscape of AI in education, delve into practical applications, and engage in hands-on activities to experience AI-powered tools that can enhance pedagogical practices. The workshop aims […]

Preparing Students for the New Biology Regents Exam: Transitioning Regents Biology Courses to the Three-Dimensions of the New York State Science Learning Standards Grades 6-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Glen Cochrane – 8:30-2:30pm

The first administration of the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) based Biology Regents exam is scheduled for June 2025. Teachers must transition to a NYSSLS based regents biology course. The format of the new exam will be item clusters, groups of multiple items that provide a coherent path towards building the three dimensions […]

Executive Function Challenges and ADHD In and Out of the Classroom **IN PERSON** presented by Jackie Waldman – 8:30-2:30pm

Educators are not sure why students are having difficulty in and outside of the classroom. Understanding executive functions and the connection to ADHD may offer some explanation. This workshop will help educators understand how they are connected and the impact to students' ability to get things done. This workshop will:  define executive functions  […]