AP Literature and Composition® First About Reading, Second About Writing **IN PERSON** presented by Edward Schmieder – 8:30-2:30pm

Although the course title gives equal billing to reading and writing, the format of the exam makes it clear that reading supersedes writing well. How? The multiple-choice section is all reading (no writing) and two of the three essays are written responses to sight-read texts. Consequently, reading-well is the thing. In fairness, one practice addressing […]

Introduction to Developing PBIS Systems **IN PERSON** presented by Michelle Levy – 8:30-2:30pm

PBIS is a multi-tiered system of supports to create and maintain positive school climates where teachers can teach and students can learn. This evidence-based framework emphasizes positive, proactive and preventive strategies that address behavioral and school discipline problems by teaching, modeling and recognizing positive, appropriate behavior in schools. PBIS is not a curriculum, program, or […]

Digital Learning and AI (3-Day Workshop) presented by Stacey Mooney – 8:30-2:30pm

Participants will learn about, discuss and explore the following topics in this course: -Civics and ethics related to Digital Citizenship -Integrating NYS NextGen K-12 Computer Science and Digital Literacy Standards Educator strategies for AI -Teaching students analyze media for credibility with a critical eye -Privacy and Safety on the Internet -Interacting with Tech and Apps […]

How Does the Science of Reading Impact our Literacy Instruction? **IN PERSON** presented by Lauren Kolbeck – 8:30-2:30pm

We know, the science of reading is a large body of research that encompasses many aspects of reading. It is not a program, curriculum, nor something you can purchase. It's a collection of scientific research from a variety of fields-including cognitive psychology, education, and neuroscience. On this day, Lauren Kolbeck will discuss the tenets of […]

JAY MCTIGHE PRESENTS – Designing and Using Rubrics to Evaluate and Improve Student Performance **IN PERSON**- 8:30-2:30pm

Scoring tools, such as criterion lists and rubrics, can be used to improve student performance as well as evaluate it. In this workshop, we'll examine the characteristics of three different types of criterion-based scoring tools - -performance lists, -holistic and -analytic rubrics and consider the advantages and limitations of each. We'll explore practical and proven […]

Classroom Management 2-Day Workshop **IN PERSON** presented by Michelle Levy – 8:30-2:30pm

Effective classroom managers are known not only by what they do when misbehavior occurs, but by what they do proactively to set up their classrooms for academic, social and behavioral success for all students. This two-day workshop series is designed for PreK-12 educators who seek to improve their classroom management skills through the use of […]

Explore the New NYSED Earth and Space Sciences Investigations **IN PERSON** Facilitated by Brian Vorwald – 8:30-2:30pm

Audience: Regents Earth Science teachers and science leaders This workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to explore the three required Earth and Space Sciences Investigations. These are new performance tasks that provide authentic, hands-on scientific and engineering experiences that allow students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills from the Learning Standards. Science teachers and […]

Understanding Dyslexia: Research Supported Screeners, Strategies and Methods that Work **IN PERSON** presented by The Living Literacy Network – 8:30-2:30pm

In this workshop, teachers will learn the most current research on how to best work with our dyslexic learners. We'll look at the most commonly used screeners and what they offer, as well as signs at each grade level that students may need specific support. Teachers will walk away with research-based strategies they can use […]

Project Based Learning for Social Studies **IN PERSON** presented by Wendy Braxton – 8:30-2:30pm

Project Based Learning can assist in helping students attain the necessary critical skills outlined in the Social Studies Framework. Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real world, authentic and personally meaningful projects. Learning Outcomes: -Comprehend the what and why of PBL -Understand how PBL can assist […]