Integrating the Computer Standards into your Existing Curriculum **IN PERSON** presented by Jolynn Sapia – 8:30-2:30pm
The New York State K12 Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards were adopted by the Board of Regents in December 2020. The new standards focus on five key concepts which teachers are being asked to integrate into their curriculum. In this 6 hour course, we will unpack these new standards, and focus on the […]
BOCES Board Meeting
The Regular meeting of the Board of Western Suffolk BOCES will be held at the Western Suffolk BOCES Administrative Offices, 507 Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746. This meeting is open to the public. The Regular meeting convenes at 6:00 pm. There is a proposed Executive Session, subject to Board approval. The public portion […]
MTSS for Academics: Optimize Supports for At-Risk Learners: Secondary Edition **ONLINE** presented by Jim Wright – 9-2pm
Middle and high schools need a system to help learners at risk for academic failure. This 4-hour remote training is intended to help middle and high schools to establish or strengthen their MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) model. It will review best practices in MTSS for academics and highlight those ‘non-negotiable' elements necessary for success […]
IXL Foundations I for Math Users – VIRTUAL BOCES USER GROUP – 9:30-11:30am
This session will introduce teachers to essential IXL tools for their math instruction. We'll cover best practices for using the IXL Curriculum and IXL Real-Time Diagnostic to support daily instruction and personalized learning. Eligible for 2 hours CTLE credit.Registration: :"
Book Creator ‘ONLINE’ Presented by Michele Fisk – 4-6pm
Create your own teaching resources or have students practice their writing skills by crafting a digital book with multiple forms of expression. The workshop will cover: opening an account, creating, editing, and sharing books. We will also discuss options that are available for paid subscriptions. Eligible for two hours CTLE credit. If district pays, district […]
esports Showcase – **In Person** – 9-3pm
Looking to start an esports program in your district or to expand a program you are already running? Then this is the showcase for you! Join Eastern Suffolk, Nassau and Western Suffolk BOCES for a regional esports showcase that includes brief vendor presentations followed by time to visit with each featured vendor.Registration: :"
The NYS Learning Standards for Computer Science and Digital Fluency: Challenges and Opportunities **IN PERSON** presented by Robin Flatland and Jim Matthews – 9-11:30am
The NYSED timeline for the Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards calls for Initial Implementation in academic year 2023-2024 and Full Implementation by September 2024. In this session for school administrators and other educators we will identify challenges for implementing the 9-12 standards and describe opportunities for meeting the standards including a possible partnership […]
Tier 1: Building a Classroom Intervention Toolkit: **ONLINE** presented by Jim Wright – 9-2pm
This 4-hour remote training demonstrates effective Tier 1/classroom interventions (grades 3-12) across a variety of academic areas. Participants will also learn about Internet sources to obtain high-quality research-based interventions to create their own intervention bank. Sample forms will be shared for documenting Tier 1 interventions. All materials and resources shared will be available free to […]