Kami: Learn to Utilize the Kami Tools as Assistive Technology for Special Education Students. K-12 **ONLINE** presented by Jeannette Walsh – 7-8:30pm

Kami is a digital learning platform that empowers everyone to love learning! In or out of the classroom, Kami provides tools to support any learning style, drive engagement, and streamline feedback and assessment workflow to improve learning outcomes for all. Kami has a number of features that can be used to assist students in all […]

Strategies to Assist Entering and Emerging ELLs to Achieve Academic Success 2-Day Workshop **ONLINE** presented by Pamela Solomon – 4-5:30pm

Participants will examine several techniques to help Entering and Emerging ELLs learn academic vocabulary, content, and concepts to participate in the mainstream classroom. We will discuss second language development and how this affects the comprehension of academic tasks. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. If district pays, district approval must be confirmed prior to start […]

BOCES Board Meeting

The Regular meeting of the Board of Western Suffolk BOCES will be held at the Western Suffolk BOCES Administrative Offices, 507 Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746. This meeting is open to the public. The Regular meeting convenes at 6:00 pm. There is a proposed Executive Session, subject to Board approval. The public portion […]

Closing the Gap: How to Provide Reading Interventions. K-12 **ONLINE** presented by Jeannette Walsh – 7-8:30pm

This workshop will introduce research-based recommendations that support phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Teachers will view video models and leave with instructional strategies and interventions for immediate classroom use. Eligible for 1.5 hours CTLE credit. If district pays, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.Registration: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=13208&amp:I=4346792"

Meet the English Language Arts Next Generation Standards Gr 4-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Amy Benjamin – 8:30-2:30pm

This workshop will give teachers a clear and thorough grounding in the Next Generation ELA Standards, and their instructional implications. Topics will include: -Expressing the Standards in student-friendly language: -encouraging life-long reading and writing by offering books of choice: -incorporating advanced literacy" practices: -changes applicable to students with special learning needs

Improving Family Engagement in Schools **IN PERSON** presented by Ernesto Mejia – 8:30-2:30pm

This professional development session will focus on improving family engagement in schools while making the process more engaging. We will look at the challenges of engaging the families of our students and explore strategies to develop more engaging, interactive, and educational programming. We will discuss building relationships with parents, overcoming communication barriers, and focusing on […]

10 Ways to Teach Literacy Through Jamboard K-12 **ONLINE** presented by Jeannette Walsh – 4:00-5:30pm

Google Jamboard is a digital whiteboard that allows for increased engagement and collaboration on a shared space. Discover effective alternatives to teaching phonics, vocabulary, and reading comprehension using Jamboard. Participants will leave with many useful templates to engage students. Eligible for 1-1/2 hours CTLE credit. If district pays, district approval must be confirmed prior to […]

Middle School Counselor Meeting – CASEL (Collaborative for Academic Social Emotional Learning) **IN PERSON** presented by Kitty Klein – 8:30-11:30am

This meeting will review the CASEL Framework and the five competencies necessary for student development including: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. When students apply the knowledge and skills to strengthen their emotional intelligence, they develop healthy identities, manage and regulate their emotions well and achieve personal goals. Understanding how counselors can […]

SEAL of Civic Readiness **IN PERSON** presented by Michelle Gennarelli – 8:30-2:30pm

We will review Civics and provide definitions and examples including but not limited to the following: 1. Civic Readiness 2. Civic Knowledge 3. Civic Skills and Action 4. Civic Mindsets 5. Civic Experience What schools in New York State participated in the project. How many SEALS were awarded to students throughout New York State 2021-2022. […]