Crisis Prevention 3-Day Institute: Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Foundation Course with Advanced Physical Skills – 8:30-4:30pm

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) training is perfect for primary caregivers, educators and human service professionals who directly intervene in crisis situations, teaching staff de-escalation techniques as well as restrictive and nonrestrictive interventions.Recognize &amp: Respond to CrisisYour staff learns decision-making skills to match the level of the response to the risk of the crisis, focusing on […]

New Teacher Workshop **IN PERSON** presented by Stacey Mooney and Dr. Maureen Martin – 8:30-2:30pm

Whether a brand-new teacher or within the first five years of your teaching career, this one-day workshop will focus on classroom management, learning environment set-up and maintenance, first week structure and focus, building relationships in your school building, lesson planning, Danielson Domains, short- and long-term curriculum pacing, and more. *Contact WSBOCES for additional in-district new […]

Improving Family Engagement in Schools **IN PERSON** presented by Ernesto Mejia – 8:30-2:30pm

This professional development session will focus on improving family engagement in schools while making the process more engaging. We will look at the challenges of engaging the families of our students and explore strategies to develop more engaging, interactive, and educational programming. We will discuss building relationships with parents, overcoming communication barriers, and focusing on […]

Crisis Prevention Institute REFRESHER: Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Foundation Course with Advanced Physical Skills-8:30-4:30pm

For most organizations, the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Foundation Course offers the optimal mix of concepts and skills to safely address many of the behaviors staff encounter. However, in organizations that support persons who are likely to demonstrate higher risk behaviors, Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Foundation Course With Advanced Physical Skills provides effective tools to help staff […]

ASYNCHRONOUS – Initial Training for Administrators who Evaluate Teachers – Online Training and Off-line Learning REGISTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Facilitated by Emma Klimek

Anytime, Anyplace…Any Pace! This online training is designed for lead evaluators who are required to be trained in the nine elements outlined by the New York State regulations regarding teacher evaluation. This course is conducted online with opportunities to participate in live video chats as well as live presentations. The training has eight modules which […]

ASYNCHRONOUS – APPR Recertification **ONLINE** Facilitated by Emma Klimek – REGISTRATION FOR ATT

The content will review the required elements of the teacher evaluation regulations and any updates available at the time of the workshop. In addition, the participants will review videos and using his/her district rubrics, will evaluate the teachers. We will discuss evidence, feedback and elements of an effective discussion with a developing teacher. REGISTRATION IS […]

Transform Your Mathematics Instruction with ‘BTC’ (Building Thinking Classrooms) Grades 3-12 **IN PERSON**4-Session Workshop presented by Melanie Anderson / Slice of Mindfulness, LLC – 4:15-6:15pm

This 8-hour course will help to transform math instruction for educators in grades 3-12. Participants will learn research-based strategies for how to improve whole-class, small group, and independent instruction in ways that will have a tremendous impact on student engagement and learning. Participants will learn how to make group work more productive, how to tweak […]

BOCES Board Meeting

The Regular meeting of the Board of Western Suffolk BOCES will be held at the Western Suffolk BOCES Administrative Offices, 507 Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746. This meeting is open to the public. The Regular meeting convenes at 6:00 pm.  There is a proposed Executive Session, subject to Board approval.  The public portion will resume, beginning with […]

College Board WEBINAR – Get Ready for the Digital SAT Suite of Assessments – 9-10am

The digital SAT Suite of Assessments will transition from paper to digital at U.S. schools starting with the PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 8/9 this fall and digital SAT in the spring of 2024. To prepare your district and students, please join the College Board virtual presentation on Thursday, September 14th from 9:00 to 10:00 AM. This […]

Crisis Prevention 3-Day Institute: Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® Foundation Course – 8:30-4:30pm

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) training is perfect for primary caregivers, educators and human service professionals who directly intervene in crisis situations, teaching staff de-escalation techniques as well as restrictive and nonrestrictive interventions. Recognize &amp: Respond to Crisis Your staff learns decision-making skills to match the level of the response to the risk of the crisis, […]