BOCES 4 Science Investigation Workshop – Intermediate **IN PERSON** – 8:30-3:30pm

Join our science instructional specialists as they help you navigate expectations, glean tips for set up and implementation, and practice activities within each NYSED Science Investigation. Learn how these labs relate to the standards and how they can fit into your curriculum. Ask questions and collaborate with colleagues! INTERMEDIATE-LEVEL SCIENCE LAB INVESTIGATIONS (ILS) - TUESDAY, […]

ELA Coordinator Network Meeting **IN PERSON** presented by Jessica Gruttola – 8:30-11:30am

These meetings are designed for coordinators, directors and administrators who have the responsibility of ELA supervision in their buildings or school districts. The latest information from Albany will be discussed, local vendors will do brief presentations and information will be shared. Breakfast will be provided. This is an excellent opportunity to network with fellow supervisors. […]

Dyslexia and the English Language Learner **ONLINE** presented by Consulting that Makes a Difference – 8:30-2:30pm

Dyslexia is a complex, language-based learning difference. It affects the organization in the brain that controls the ability to process the way language is heard, spoken, read, or spelled. A diagnosis of dyslexia can pose unique challenges for ELLs and their educators. This interactive, practical workshop will provide participants with a deep understanding of what […]

ASYNCHRONOUS – APPR Recertification **ONLINE** Facilitated by Emma Klimek – REGISTRATION FOR ATT

The content will review the required elements of the teacher evaluation regulations and any updates available at the time of the workshop. In addition, the participants will review videos and using his/her district rubrics, will evaluate the teachers. We will discuss evidence, feedback and elements of an effective discussion with a developing teacher. REGISTRATION IS […]

ASYNCHRONOUS – Initial Training for Administrators who Evaluate Teachers – Online Training and Off-line Learning REGISTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Facilitated by Emma Klimek

Anytime, Anyplace…Any Pace! This online training is designed for lead evaluators who are required to be trained in the nine elements outlined by the New York State regulations regarding teacher evaluation. This course is conducted online with opportunities to participate in live video chats as well as live presentations. The training has eight modules which […]