High School Counselor Meeting – Charlotte Danielson’s Rubric for Counselor Observations **IN PERSON** presented by Kitty Klein – 8:30-11:30am

This meeting will support counselors in the various roles they take on. A deep look into how to effectively and efficiently deliver services to counselees, families, staff, and the school community will be discussed. In this session, the four domains and respective components will be reviewed including the HEDI ratings. Planning and Preparation, The Environment, […]

BOCES Board Meeting

The Regular meeting of the Board of Western Suffolk BOCES will be held at the Western Suffolk BOCES Administrative Offices, 507 Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746. This meeting is open to the public. The Regular meeting convenes at 6:00 pm. There is a proposed Executive Session, subject to Board approval. The public portion […]

Social Studies Coordinator Network Meeting **IN PERSON** presented by Lorraine Lupinski – 8:30-11:30am

Feel the need to connect with Social Studies leaders in other districts? The opportunity is at hand. Come meet with your counterparts in other school districts at Western Suffolk BOCES. The following meetings are designed for lead teachers, coordinators and directors who have the responsibility of Social Studies supervision in their building or district. CONSORTIUM […]

Wilson Fundations VIRTUAL Introductory Workshop Level 2 presented by Sharon Wolf – 8:30-2:30pm

Fundations Workshops give you a practical, how-to overview of Fundations. They focus on the knowledge and skills required to implement the program in the classroom and familiarize participants with the framework of Fundations instruction.-Understand Fundations principles of instruction, the appropriate student population, and the implementation models used-Review how Fundations materials facilitate multisensory, interactive learning-Plan a […]

IXL Foundations II for Math Users – VIRTUAL BOCES USER GROUP – 9:30-11:30am

In this follow-up session, we'll dive deeper into personalizing instruction with IXL's curriculum, Recommendations, and Analytics. We'll cover how to adapt instruction and support students using up-to-the-minute data. Eligible for 2 hours CTLE credit.Registration:&nbsp:https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=13208&amp:I=4288341"

ASYNCHRONOUS – Initial Training for Administrators who Evaluate Teachers – Online Training and Off-line Learning REGISTRATION PURPOSES ONLY Facilitated by Emma Klimek

Anytime, Anyplace…Any Pace! This online training is designed for lead evaluators who are required to be trained in the nine elements outlined by the New York State regulations regarding teacher evaluation. This course is conducted online with opportunities to participate in live video chats as well as live presentations. The training has eight modules which […]

ASYNCHRONOUS – APPR Recertification **ONLINE** presented by Emma Klimek – REGISTRATION FOR ATT

The content will review the required elements of the teacher evaluation regulations and any updates available at the time of the workshop. In addition, the participants will review videos and using his/her district rubrics, will evaluate the teachers. We will discuss evidence, feedback and elements of an effective discussion with a developing teacher. REGISTRATION IS […]

Discover the Magic of the Crosscutting Concepts in Your Life Science Lessons 6-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Glen Cochrane – 8:30-2:30pm

The Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) provide students with the mental tools needed to help engage in and make sense of complex phenomena from a scientific point of view or to solve problems in engineering. They are essential in understanding the Disciplinary Core ideas (content) and that different CCCs align with different science and engineering practices. We […]