Wilson Fundations VIRTUAL Introductory Workshop Levels K & 1 presented by Sharon Wolf – 8:30-2:30pm

Fundations Workshops give you a practical, how-to overview of Fundations. They focus on the knowledge and skills required to implement the program in the classroom and familiarize participants with the framework of Fundations instruction.-Understand Fundations principles of instruction, the appropriate student population, and the implementation models used-Review how Fundations materials facilitate multisensory, interactive learning-Plan a […]

ELL Strategies for Social Studies Teachers K-12 – 2-Part VIRTUAL Workshop presented by Marisa Aiello – 4:30-6pm

This 2-part virtual workshop will provide proven social studies strategies for K-12 teachers to use when teaching all levels of ELL students. Teachers will examine ways to differentiate their current lessons to create ENL ready additions. Examples of lessons will provide proven strategies such as scaffolding, sentence frames, and vocabulary lesson formats necessary for ELL […]

Wilson Fundations VIRTUAL Introductory Workshop Level 2 presented by Sharon Wolf – 8:30-2:30pm

Fundations Workshops give you a practical, how-to overview of Fundations. They focus on the knowledge and skills required to implement the program in the classroom and familiarize participants with the framework of Fundations instruction.-Understand Fundations principles of instruction, the appropriate student population, and the implementation models used-Review how Fundations materials facilitate multisensory, interactive learning-Plan a […]

ADHD, Executive Function & Behavioral Challenges in the Classroom **IN PERSON** presented by Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ADHD-CCSP – 8:30-2:30pm

This workshop gives teachers, guidance counselors, and school psychologists an understanding of the social and emotional impact that ADHD and Executive Function challenges have on learning, motivation, behavior, and the family system. Upon completing this program, participants will: -Have a functional and actionable understanding of Executive Function skills and what performance can be expected at […]

Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics K-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Stacey Mooney – 8:30-2:30pm

Upgrade and Revamp Your Math Instruction for High-Yield Results, Based on high-profile book by Peter Liljedahl. *A thinking student is an engaged student.* Sparked by observing teachers struggle to implement rich mathematics tasks to engage students in deep thinking, Peter Liljedahl has translated his 15 years of research into this practical guide on how to […]

Discovery Education Bootcamp – 9-3pm

Discovery Education continues to empower educators with resources, strategies and tools for creating quality lessons using multi-modal digital resources. For Back-to-School, we are combining all that teachers and students love about the DE ecosystem with new content to keep all learners curious and engaged. Join us this Fall at Western Suffolk BOCES to learn about […]

The NYS Science Learning Standards for Administrators: Aligning Science Programs with New Expectations for Learning and Assessment **IN PERSON** Presented by Brian Vorwald – 9-12pm

The first administrations by the NY State Education Department of the new Grade 5 Elementary-Level Science Test and the Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test will be in the spring of 2024 followed by the first administrations of the new Biology and Earth and Space Sciences Regents Exams in June 2025. The first administrations of the […]

Trauma Informed Education & Creating a Safe, Compassionate Classroom Environment VIRTUAL 2-Hour Workshop presented by Kate Finnick – 4-6pm

This workshop provides an introduction to what Trauma Informed Education is and how world events have created a trauma effect to some degree on all individuals. Educators will learn the impacts this can have on the classroom and strategies to create a compassionate, safe environment for all to thrive and learn. Eligible for 2 hours […]