Strategies to Assist Transitioning, Expanding and Commanding ELLs Achieve Academic Success **ONLINE** presented by Pamela Solomon-4-7pm

Participants will examine several techniques to help Transitioning and Advanced ELLs understand academic content and concepts. We will explore the importance of teaching academic vocabulary and scaffolding activities to support ELLs in the mainstream classroom. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. Can use ½ consortium seat. If district pays, district approval must be confirmed prior […]

BOCES Board Meeting

The Regular meeting of the Board of Western Suffolk BOCES will be held at the Western Suffolk BOCES Administrative Offices, 507 Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746. This meeting is open to the public. The Regular meeting convenes at 6:00 pm.  There is a proposed Executive Session, subject to Board approval.  The public portion will resume, beginning with […]

Word Love: Teaching Vocabulary with Joy and Transfer Grades K-8 **IN PERSON** presented by Mike Ochs – 8:30-2:30pm

Explore engaging, practical strategies to build vocabulary knowledge that lasts. This workshop covers word-solving techniques (including morphology), fostering word curiosity & awareness, teaching word banks, and promoting incidental learning. Learn how to ensure vocabulary transfers to reading, writing, speech-and all areas of life. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1-1/2 Consortium seats. If […]

Financial Literacy Workshop IN PERSON presented by Stacey Mooney – 8:30-2:30pm

Information, resources and materials to help plan and implement a high-quality financial literacy (middle or high school) course for your district in order to meet the upcoming new NYS graduation recommendations. Learn how to teach students to make wise financial decisions to promote financial well-being, now and in their futures. Translate complex financial concepts and […]

Cultivating Visible Thinking: Strategies for Engaging Classroom Discussions and Empowering Student Voices **IN PERSON** presented by Christina Vagenas, Ph.D. – 8:30-11:30am

Discover innovative strategies to enhance student comprehension and discussion in your classroom. This professional development session, inspired by the book Making Thinking Visible by Ron Ritchhart, Mark Church, and Karin Morrison, will equip you with research-backed tools to foster deep thinking, encourage student participation, and make learning more visible in your classroom. Whether you're looking […]

Math Coordinator Network Meeting – HYBRID OPTION – 8:30-11:30am

These meetings are designed for coordinators, directors and administrators who have the responsibility of math supervision in their buildings or school districts. The latest information from Albany will be discussed, local vendors will do brief presentations and information will be shared. A full breakfast will be provided. This is a great opportunity to network with […]

Teaching ENL Students in the Content Areas and Utilizing Effective Strategies for Students with Interrupted Education (SIFE) **ONLINE** presented by Pamela Solomon-4-7pm

Participants will examine effective strategies to implement with teaching second language learners in the content areas. In addition, we will examine several techniques to scaffold/modify lessons for SIFE students to improve their comprehension skills and improve their linguistic abilities. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. Can use ½ consortium seat. If district pays, district approval […]

AP Literature and Composition® Analysis Engagement Through Literary Lenses **IN PERSON** presented by Edward Schmieder – 8:30-2:30pm

This full-day workshop promotes the opportunity to increase the number of lenses through which students can examine texts. The AP Literature and Composition® exam has been rooted in one literary analytical practice since its inception in the mid-last century: New Criticism or Formalism (as it's now known). The redesign did not change this focus. Here […]

Effective Secondary Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners Presented by Consulting That Makes a Difference **IN PERSON** – 8:30-2:30pm

In recent years, the increase of English Language Learners (ELLs) in our schools has required educators to look at their current teaching practices through a different lens. While teachers have faced the challenge of effectively teaching the ELL students in their classroom, it has also provided an opportunity for educators to grow and learn. This […]