Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports VIRTUAL Workshop presented by Consulting That Makes a Difference – 8:30-2:30pm

In this workshop, participants will learn the foundations of PBIS, discover tools to build a culture of positive behavior, and learn ways to make classroom life easier during the school day. Participants will increase their knowledge and understanding of proactive supports and develop their own bag of tricks” of practical strategies for students with challenging […]

Reframed, Refreshed and Refocused: AP Literature and Composition® **IN PERSON** presented by Edward Schmieder – 8:30-2:30pm

Much has changed with the literature course: it has a framework that narrows and focuses its scope, and the exam is tightly aligned with that framework. Essay writing and scoring has been refocused as well. This full-day workshop will offer an opportunity for review, and conversation about these shifts. It will then shift to reading […]

Integrating Technology and AI in Your Literacy Instruction Gr K-2 **ONLINE** presented by Lea Rascona, D.E.I. Inc. – 12-3pm

This professional development session will explore the ways in which technology and AI can be used to support literacy instruction. Participants will learn about the new types of technology and AI that are available, as well as how to use them to create engaging and effective literacy activities. Platforms like: -Canva, -Google Labs, -MagicSchool.AI, -AudioRead […]

Recognizing Fine Motor Deficits in the Classroom VIRTUAL 3-Hour Workshop presented by Dr. Zelda Marshall, OTD, OTR/L – 4-5:30pm

Fine motor skills are a strong predictor of academic success. It is important to learn to identify your students' fine motor deficits. These deficits can include: -poor pencil control, -weak grasp, -poor scissor skills or -poor posture. We will discuss typical developmental milestones and its impact on function in the classroom. We will review case […]

Integrating Technology and AI in Your Literacy Instruction Gr 3-6 **ONLINE** presented by Lea Rascona, D.E.I. Inc. – 12-3pm

This professional development session will explore the ways in which technology and AI can be used to support literacy instruction. Participants will learn about the new types of technology and AI that are available, as well as how to use them to create engaging and effective literacy activities. Platforms like: -Twee, -MagicSchool.AI, -AudioRead, -Eduaide.AI and […]

Executive Function Challenges and ADHD In and Out of the Classroom **IN PERSON** presented by Jackie Waldman – 8:30-2:30pm

Educators are not sure why students are having difficulty in and outside of the classroom. Understanding executive functions and the connection to ADHD may offer some explanation. This workshop will help educators understand how they are connected and the impact to students' ability to get things done. This workshop will:  define executive functions  […]