What to Look for When Assessing the Teaching of Writing: Keeping the NYS Next Generation Standards in Mind K-6 Administrators **ONLINE** presented by Sarah Cordova/Literacy Matters/The Distinctive Educators Institute, Inc. – 9-11am

The NYS Next Generation Standards have given teachers much to think about when it comes to effective and engaging writing instruction for their students. While teachers are aligning their curriculum and teaching practices to the NYS Next Generation Standards, administrators now have new elements of teaching and learning for which they are looking as well. […]

Classroom Management **IN PERSON** presented by Mishka Anderson – 8:30-2:30pm

Audience: Elementary/Secondary Teachers Learning how to manage a classroom is an imperative skill that all teachers must develop to be able to effectively teach to any age group. In this workshop, we delve into creating classroom rules/reinforcers, procedures/routines, effective classroom design and organization, teaching self-regulation strategies, understanding why children misbehave, incorporating behavior interventions, etc.Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PlSZBgil1io6qSyE7opAMs8bAAKgQvOV/view?usp=sharing […]

ADHD, Executive Function & Behavioral Challenges in the Classroom **IN PERSON** presented by Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ADHD-CCSP – 8:30-2:30pm

This workshop gives teachers, guidance counselors, and school psychologists an understanding of the social and emotional impact that ADHD and Executive Function challenges have on learning, motivation, behavior, and the family system. Upon completing this program, participants will: -Have a functional and actionable understanding of Executive Function skills and what performance can be expected at […]

Restorative Practices Circles Theory and Practical Application To Your School **IN PERSON** presented by Gregg Scheiner – 8:30-2:30pm

In this session we will explore the Restorative Practices theory as it: -applies to your school needs, -compare and contrast Community Building Circles, -Response to Harm circles and RP Conferences. Discuss implementation processes, expectations, and outcomes as you change the narrative and systems. This is an interactive experience. Upon completion of the session, you will […]

Technology and Social Media’s Effect on the Child/Adolescent Brain VIRTUAL Workshop presented by Deborah Salitsky, LCSW – 7-8:30pm

Educators/Support Staff will learn about the negative effects technology and social media has on the developing brain and addictive qualities. Discussion about the need for collaboration between schools, parents, and community to address this ever growing problem. Greater understanding about social media addiction and its impact on SEL issues and learning challenges. Educators/Support Staff will […]

Building Fluency with Integers **IN PERSON** presented by Madeline Turilli – 8:30-2:30pm

Educators will explore integers and operations through the use of counters, number lines, and application problems to derive and apply the rules of integer operations. Various fluency activities will be introduced that can be used to reinforce integer operations throughout the year. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district […]

Discover Strategies to Incorporate the Crosscutting Concepts in Your Life Science Lessons Gr 6-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Glen Cochrane – 8:30-2:30pm

Known as the forgotten dimension, the Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs) provide students with the mental tools needed to help engage in and make sense of complex phenomena from a scientific point of view or to solve problems in engineering. They are essential in understanding the Disciplinary Core Ideas (content) and that the CCCs complement the Science […]

Diversity and Sensitivity Training for Teachers and Administrators **ONLINE** presented by The Harmony Strategies Group, a collaborative of conflict management experts – 8:30-2:30pm

Teachers and school administrators have immense power to guide students into becoming more sensitive, caring, and tolerant of differences. This workshop focuses on what teachers and administrators need to know about sensitivityā€¯ and how it plays out in the classroom. We discuss subtle ways that stereotypes can be broken and underprivileged populations can be boosted […]