Science Coordinator Network Meeting **IN PERSON** presented by Mary Loesing and Joyce Barry – 8:30-11:30am

Come join your Science colleagues - Lead Teachers, Science Supervisors and Administrators. In addition to being an informational gathering, you will have the opportunity to share the challenges encountered and the problems solved during the transition to online instruction. Mary Loesing and Joyce Barry will host. Eligible for three hours CTLE credit. Free to science […]

Effective Secondary Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners **IN PERSON** presented by Consulting that Makes a Difference – 8:30-2:30pm

In recent years, the increase of English language learners (ELLs) in our schools has required educators to look at their current teaching practices through a different lens. While teachers have faced the challenge of effectively teaching the ELL students in their classroom, it has also provided an opportunity for educators to grow and learn. This […]

Strategies to Assist Transitioning, Expanding and Commanding ELLs to Achieve Academic Success **ONLINE** presented by Pamela Solomon – 4-5:30pm

In this 2-part workshop, participants will examine several techniques to help Transitioning and Advanced ELLs understand academic content and concepts. We will explore the importance of teaching academic vocabulary and scaffolding activities to support ELLs in the mainstream classroom. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. If district pays, district approval must be confirmed prior to […]

Mentor Training Workshop Introduction **IN PERSON** presented by Dr. Peter Osroff – 8:30-2:30pm

Our mentor training workshop will explore the most common challenges that new teachers face and provide new mentors with concrete and proven tools on how to effectively mentor/coach their proteges toward success! The tenure-process years are highly stressful for new teachers. Invariably, new teachers struggle with lesson planning, classroom management, and navigating their school's culture […]

Preparing Your Students for The English Regents Exam (Pt 3) Focus on Writing the Literary Analysis Essay **IN PERSON** presented by Amy Benjamin – 8:30-2:30pm

This workshop will take a deep dive into Part 3 of the exam. Teachers will learn strategies to help students manage their time on the exam to write a rhetorical analysis of a given text after a cold reading, and incorporate these writing skills into continuous instruction, transcending the limited requirements of the exam itself. […]

They Still Can’t Spell? Strategies for Remediating Spelling Problems at the Middle and High School Levels Grades 4-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Amy Benjamin – 8:30-2:30pm

Yes, spelling does count. Proper spelling conveys the look of literacy” while poor spelling diminishes the writer's credibility and causes the reader to pay attention to mistakes rather than meaning. Many teachers in the intermediate and secondary grades don't know how to incorporate and individualize effective spelling lessons. Come and learn a variety of ways […]

Manage the Impact of ADHD/ Executive Function Challenges: Gr K-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Cindy Goldrich – 8:30-2:30pm

This course will help teachers understand the social and emotional impact of ADHD and executive function challenges on learning, motivation, behavior, and the family system. Participants will learn specific tools and strategies to help students deal with challenging behaviors and improve their effective productivity. This course is targeted to K-12 general education teachers, special education […]