BOCES Board Meeting

The Regular meeting of the Board of Western Suffolk BOCES will be held at the Western Suffolk BOCES Administrative Offices, 507 Deer Park Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746. This meeting is open to the public. The Regular meeting convenes at 6:00 pm.  There is a proposed Executive Session, subject to Board approval.  The public portion will resume, beginning with […]

Preparing Students for the New Earth and Space Science Regents Exam **PART 3** ONLY FOR THOSE WHO TOOK PARTS 1&2 **IN PERSON** Presented by Brian Vorwald – 8:30-2:30pm

Participants will take a deeper dive into the High School Earth and Space Science standards, building on what was done on Day 1 and Day 2 during the 2023-24 school year. Included will be: -Tools for developing curriculum and performance tasks -Determining the content that will be covered in the NYSSLS-based Regents Earth and Space […]

Restorative Practices and Creating a Culture of Care **VIRTUAL 3 Two-Hour Sessions** presented by Christina Moran – 4-6pm

This session will focus on both the theoretical and practical applications of incorporating Restorative Practices into your school. -We will share the research surrounding the positive outcomes of bringing restorative practices into your school community. -We will share our blueprint for a multiyear implementation to ensure Restorative Practices become ingrained in the school culture. -We […]

I Got 99 Problems: Teaching Problem Solving in Mathematics Classrooms **IN PERSON** presented by Phil Dituri – 8:30-2:30pm

It is commonly agreed upon that learning to be a good problem solver is an essential aspect of being a good mathematician. To that end, teaching your students to be good problem solvers is at the heart of good mathematics teaching. Unfortunately, problem solving is often left aside in the mathematics classroom. This is frequently […]

Self-Care for Teachers **IN PERSON** presented by Wendy Braxton – 8:30-2:30pm

Teacher well-being is an essential component in order for educators to sustain the passion, focus, and engagement they had when they first entered the profession. Teaching is rewarding but it's a high paced career that can be exhausting, mentally and physically. Educators must consciously seek wellness to facilitate a positive classroom environment. Audience: K-12 Educators […]

Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Planning 3-Day Workshop **IN PERSON** presented by Michelle Levy – 8:30-2:30pm

When there is a child with academic, social or behavioral challenges, the goal is to provide them with the best supports available. Functional behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans are formal ways for parents, teachers and other school professionals to work collaboratively to determine the best way to help a student behaviorally resulting in improved […]

Preparing Students for the New Earth and Space Sciences Regents Exam: Transitioning Regents Earth Science Courses to the Three-Dimensions of the NYS Science Learning Standards PT 1 **IN PERSON** Presented by Brian Vorwald – 8:30-2:30pm

Audience: Teachers of Regents Earth Science and Science Leaders The first administration of the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) based Earth and Space Sciences Regents exam is scheduled for June 2025. Teachers must transition to a NYSSLS based regents ESS course. The format of the new exam will be item clusters, groups of […]

So You Want to be Google Certified? Google Certification Level 1 Prep **ONLINE** presented by Jolynn Sapia – 8:30-2:30pm

Come to this workshop and learn the ins and outs of becoming Google certified. Statistics with # of questions on each topic will be presented, as well as content itself. We will focus on the areas that pertain to the test itself mostly, but can broaden out if time permits.Flyer: Eligible for 6 hours […]

K-12 Project Based Learning **IN PERSON** presented by Stacey Mooney – 8:30-2:30pm

Participants will learn about, discuss and explore the following topics in this course: -Inquiry-based approach to instructional discovery learning -Integrating NYS NextGen K-12 Computer Science and Digital Literacy Standards into other content areas through PBL -Developing Driving Questions to solve real-world problems -Types of PBL and Exemplars -The Planning Process -Implementation, Assessing and Reflecting -Ways […]

What to Look for When Assessing the Teaching of Writing: Keeping the NYS Next Generation Standards in Mind K-6 Administrators **ONLINE** presented by Sarah Cordova/Literacy Matters/The Distinctive Educators Institute, Inc. – 9-11am

The NYS Next Generation Standards have given teachers much to think about when it comes to effective and engaging writing instruction for their students. While teachers are aligning their curriculum and teaching practices to the NYS Next Generation Standards, administrators now have new elements of teaching and learning for which they are looking as well. […]