Barbara Kent, the publisher and editor-in-chief of Long Island’s business magazine The Corridor, was honored at Wilson Tech’s spring Advisory Committee Meeting for her 20 years of service on the committee that provides guidance to Tech’s Advertising/Graphic Design program. Michael Flynn (r.), Chief Operating Officer of Western Suffolk BOCES, and Linda Giery (l.), Tech instructor in Advertising/Graphic Design, thanked her and presented her with a certificate as more than 140 local business owners and education representatives gathered for a working buffet dinner at Wilson Tech.
Each Tech program has a committee of local business people who make annual recommendations on everything from equipment to program content.
These are truly committed professionals who insure that BOCES programs help prepare teens and adults to enter the workforce with the skills that employers need and to be ready to benefit from higher education,” noted Mr. Flynn.
The Corridor is a journal of strategic alliances which reaches up to 200,000 readers between print and social media. In addition, Ms. Kent is president of Street Smart Publishing and Edu-Tech Consulting, a communications company that offers both print products and digital media.