This program provides a variety of online services to support student learning, teacher improvement and district preparedness.
Additional vendor products not listed here may be available upon request. Please contact Chris Loiodice at 631/595-6836 to inquire.
Program #501.033
Achieve 3000
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
Achieve 3000 is web-based, differentiated instruction designed to reach a school’s entire student population – mainstream, English Language Learners, special needs and gifted. In addition to KidBiz3000, TeenBiz3000, Empower3000 and other literacy solutions, Achieve launched its first differentiated core curriculum, eScience3000 in 2011, in partnership with National Geographic School Learning.
Catchup Math Program #501.037
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
Catchup Math’s programs cover Grades 6-7 Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and high school graduation test prep. Diagnostics drill down and re-teach grade 3-5 topics as needed. Lessons and skill builders are presented in both English and Spanish. Teachers can use pre-established diagnostic/ prescriptive programs or create their own custom programs. Catchup Math covers topics with instructional videos, lessons, hands-on activities and practice problems.
Program #501.036
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
iReady is a web-based, adaptive diagnostic assessment for Math and English Language Arts K-12. Based on assessment results, the product provides both teacher led instructional resources and individualized student instruction. The diagnostics, instruction and progress monitoring tools allow districts to target instructional strategies.
Program #501.038 NEW
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
EasyTech helps students develop the technology skills needed for college and the workforce while they study core subjects. A complete digital literacy curriculum, EasyTech features self-paced lessons and games to practice skills, activities to reinforce concepts, and quizzes to check for understanding.
Program #501.034
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
NWEA is an educational evaluation system, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). This is a unique system for monitoring instruction in English language arts, mathematics, and science. The system meets the NYS education reforms that require local accountability for student achievement and has been proven beneficial in informing the instructional process and improving school/curriculum. Subscription includes content, training, and support.
Program #506.024
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
This web-based Observation and Appraisal Management System offers district leaders fast and easy scheduling, managing, completing, and reporting of all components of the evaluation process for teachers, principals, administrators and non-instructional staff, including: classroom observations, informal walkthroughs, peer reviews and observations, self-reflective assessments, student growth analysis, portfolio evaluation, individual or team action research and principal evaluation.
Program #501.032
Renaissance STAR
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
STAR assessments provide Common Core State Standards reporting, and are aligned to state standards, and linked to state tests so educators at all levels can individualize instruction to fill learning gaps. The tools, content and reports in this suite of assessments allow districts to get the most out of data to drive daily instruction and practice.
Program #501.035
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
Teachscape combines software tools for classroom observation and evaluation, online learning content based on authentic teaching practice, and professional services for support in structuring professional development and implementing school turnaround.
Program #501.039
Right Path
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
Right Path is an integrated student success system that provides solutions to meet the needs of individual students while empowering educators with the tools they need. Six exceptional platforms seamlessly combine to provide customizable solutions in the areas of student achievement, eLearning and professional development.
Program #501.031
Atlas Rubicon
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
Atlas is a customizable, web-based application to map curriculum and facilitate collaboration among teachers across subjects, grades and schools. In addition to recording and reporting, Atlas facilitates the sharing of curriculum strategies with administrators, superintendents, boards of trustees and parents.
Program #506.021
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
This web-based solution for curriculum mapping and instructional content management provides secure, online access for educators to participate in an online community focused on developing high quality instruction that increases student achievement.
Program #445.230
Distance Learning Base Service
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
Participation in the base service is a required companion to all Instructional Support Services videoconferencing, vendor online courses and digital resources in the Distance Learning coser. Membership in the base service includes access to free virtual projects with students and teachers across New York State. It also includes 1/2 day of in district training/support for student projects and no additional coordination costs for videoconference scheduling. Members will be able to participate in regional user groups for various products in this service. Members can use the VGo robot for at least 2 weeks at no cost.
Program #445.220
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
iTutor provides live online instruction delivered by NYS-certified teachers. Services include home-bound instruction, test preparation, credit recovery, instructional support, special education and ESL/bilingual instruction. Cost is on a per hour basis.
Program #445.240
Distance Learning/Other
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
This service will include new services requested by districts such as pilot programs of interest, use of the VGo telepresence robot beyond the base service, and the ability to purchase various learning management systems. Vendors include Blackboard, BrainHoney, Canvas and Schoology. Additional vendors may be added as requested.
Program #445.211
Castle Learning
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
Castle Software, Inc. provides web-based review testing, and assessment tools for elementary school, middle school, and high school teachers and students in the areas of Math, Social Studies, Science, English, and Foreign Languages with additional offerings in math review and literature.
Program #445.210
Vendor Online Courses
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
This service includes subscriptions to various vendor online courses for students. Vendors include Advanced Academics, Apex, Edmentum, Edgenuity, Florida Virtual, Odysseyware, Pearson and Fuel. Additional vendors may be added as requested.
Program #445.200
Videoconferencing Services
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
This service includes videoconferencing scheduling, test connections with providers, and coordination of educational materials between the teacher and videoconference provider. Member districts will receive access to a database of content providers. One in-district facilitated presentation (faculty meeting, administrative meeting) is included as requested. Addition customized professional development on-site is available.
Program #501.017
Base Guidance Service
Elyse Eusanio 631/595-6856
Includes access to regional user group meetings related to career decision-making and college information software systems. Services include up to one day of in-district counselor and staff training on the use of the software and first level support. Required as a companion to all subscriptions for guidance systems #501.018.
Program #501.018
Guidance Systems
Elyse Eusanio 631/595-6856
Provides assistance and resources for student assessment and planning for future careers using these guidance software systems: Naviance
Bridges (Choices)
Method Test Prep
Guidance Direct
Career Cruising
Program #506.020
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
With this easy-to-use online service, teachers, administrators, nurses, coaches or anyone within the school community can quickly post information online for parents and students. eBoards foster a sense of community and increased visits to the district website.
Program #506.023
My Learning Plan
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
The MLP system tracks professional development hours, course approvals, and alignment of district goals to professional development activities. Participation includes vendor provided technical support and two user group meetings hosted at BOCES. Accordion 6 +Video Streaming Services
Program #506.022
Discovery Education Streaming
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
This digital video-based learning resource gives subscribing educators on-demand access to over 70,000 content-specific video segments. All videos are aligned to NYS learning standards and most include additional teacher resources. Subscription includes regional workshops, first level technical assistance, and in-district training on request.
Program #506.025
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
Learn360 is an interactive, media-on-demand service for K-12. With a subscription to Learn360, teachers can search more than 9,200 digital video titles and 28,500 video clips as well as a comprehensive set of speeches, images, songs, research articles and activities from top educational publishers. Content is correlated to state standards. Subscription includes membership at yearly user group meetings, regional workshops and first level technical support.
Program #506.027
NBC Learn
Chris Loiodice 631/595-6836
NBC Learn provides access to the annotated digitized video collection of more than 12,000 stories from the NBC News archives – one of the largest news archives in the world, dating back to the 1920s. In addition, collections are updated with current events and stories from such celebrated programs as NBC Nightly News, the TODAY show, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, as well as the networks of MSNBC, CNBC, and Telemundo. Districts may select access to the entire collection or subject-oriented collections for Social Studies, Science, Language Arts, Health and Business.