(School Improvement for Standards Implementation)
This program provides a variety of programs and services to support school improvement. Offerings are grounded in best instructional practices to address the most current federal, state and local educational issues. Call for assistance in creating a program to address a need specific to your district.
Note: Additional Digital Resources/Services are listed under Online Resources.
Professional Development Base Service
Program #506.010
Renee Allen 631/595-6844
Participation in the base service includes the costs of BOCES planning, management, technical support and leadership. BOCES provides phone consultation and makes site visits when member districts request detailed information on services. This is a mandatory prerequisite to all Professional Development 506 services. Employees of districts in the base service receive member rates for attendance at regional workshops.
Staff Developers
Program #506.011
Renee Allen 631/595-6844
In-district services focus on strengthening instruction, raising standards and improving curriculum and assessment practices. Provided at a daily rate.
Shared In-District Staff Developers
Program #506.012
Renee Allen 631/595-6844
In-district services focus on strengthening instruction, raising standard and improving curriculum and assessment practices. Provided at a discounted rate for one or more days per week throughout the school year (40 days per unit).
Customized Professional Development/Consultants
Program #506.013
Renee Allen 631/595-6844
This service matches consultants with specific staff development needs of districts. Teachers and administrators receive feedback, share best practices and exchange ideas from consultants in workshops, one-on-one classroom coaching and small groups.
Regional Workshops & Conferences
Program #506.014
Renee Allen 631/595-6844
Regional workshops and conferences for teachers and administrators support the most current thinking in education and provide a forum for new ideas.
Stipend/Substitute Reimbursement
Program #506.015
Renee Allen 631/595-6844
This service can provide reimbursement for the cost of substitute teachers so teachers can attend regional and shared district workshops. Teacher stipend costs are also Coser aidable for regional curriculum writing and shared district professional development workshops.
Curriculum Development
Program #506.018
Renee Allen 631/595-6844
This program facilitates projects for writing your curriculum and promotes collaboration among districts. District writers may work independently following regional training on curriculum design. Districts may purchase printed copies of Engage NY curriculum modules.
On-Site Training in Child Abuse Identification and Reporting
Program #506.061
Phyllis Miron-Schwartz 631/595-6818
This 2 1/2 hour workshop is for teachers, administrators and support staff to fulfill the NYS licensing requirement. Chapter 544 of the Laws of 1988, for certification, registration and/or licensure. Participants receive certification of completion immediately following the training.