Western Suffolk BOCES continues to take steps to reduce the potential for exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19). The District’s efforts in this regard are made in furtherance of federal, state, and local mandates to limit any and all public gatherings. Western Suffolk BOCES will hold its Regular Board Meeting/Annual Meeting on April 7, 2020 as scheduled, at 6:25 pm. As authorized by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1, issued on March 12, 2020, the meeting will be held remotely by video/telephonic conference, and the public will not be permitted to attend the meeting in-person.
To provide the public with the ability to view/listen to the meeting, Western Suffolk BOCES will be broadcasting in video and audio via a link provided on this page. The link will become active 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. The meeting will also be recorded and later transcribed in accordance with Executive Order 202.1.
If you would like to submit questions, please send all questions via email to Joanne Klein at jklein@wsboces.org.
To view the meeting, click here: