Regional Summer School Parent and Student Orientation Information

Thank you for registering your child to attend the Western Suffolk BOCES Regional Summer School Program.

To ensure that everyone has a successful start to the program, we are offering virtual Orientation Sessions. The Orientation Sessions will address the tools needed to best navigate Google Classroom. Our virtual meetings will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, July 6, 2021.


Time Topic: Zoom Link Meeting ID Dial In
9:00 AM WS BOCES RSS Student & Parent Orientation Grades 6-12


Meeting ID: 935 9773 9977

Passcode: 166373


10:00 AM WS BOCES RSS Student & Parent Orientation Grades 6-12


Meeting ID: 940 4973 7946

Passcode: 023886




11:00 AM WS BOCES RSS Student & Parent Orientation Grades K-5


Meeting ID: 988 8975 9580

Passcode: 823618


12:00 PM WS BOCES RSS Student & Parent Orientation Grades K-5 Meeting ID: 949 3330 5373

Passcode: 827434





Course instruction will begin Thursday July 8, 2021 and a student schedule will be sent to each student via the email address that was included on the student registration form. If you have questions and or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Regional Summer School office at the following numbers listed below:

North Babylon Campus- (631) 620-7370

South Huntington Campus-(631) 812- 3719

Western Suffolk BOCES Summer School Office- (631) 595 6820