Taking the Plunge for Charity

Polar Bear Plunge 2015

The luck of the Irish was with Michael Flynn (r.), Chief Operating Officer! After months of bitter cold weather, the sun brought temperatures into the 70s as Mike and other brave BOCES employees jumped into the Great South Bay to help raise money for AHRC Suffolk on April 18. As he warmed up, Treasurer Sandy Strum (far. l.) and President Ernie Lewis (second from r.) of the BOCES Faculty Union handed a check to J. Andreassi (second from l.), director of development for AHRC Suffolk, for more than $1,000 that BOCES employees raised to support AHRC’s work with children and adults with unique abilities and challenges.


Supporters from JEA Jr./Sr. High School were on hand to give words of encouragement to those who took the plunge!